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KRONOS 20, PHLOX II, ARIADNE, E-LES 80 SMC-Marine, IA 02-76,…

Product Category Icon
Product Category:
Instrumentation and Automation

Product type  Icon
Product Type:
Engine Safety, Control and Alarm Systems

Product name
Product Name:
KRONOS 20, PHLOX II, ARIADNE, E-LES 80 SMC-Marine, IA 02-76, IA-M12, Ignition rails Z00-21-028-00/Z00-21-029 -00 with Ignition coil Z00-17-001-01, Ignition lead Z00-19-041-00, Knock Sensor KS-1-K 010-80-095-00
Product Description
Product Description

Heinzmann Gas Engine Management System integrates the control of air fuel ratio (AFR), engine speed, knocking and ignition .

Product Ratings
Product Ratings

Not Available / To be Updated

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Applicable Standards

Not Available / To be Updated

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