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Salwico NS-AIN1 - Interface Line Unit, NS-AIN2 - Input Line …

Product Category Icon
Product Category:
Instrumentation and Automation

Product type  Icon
Product Type:
Fire Technical Ancillary Equipment

Product name
Product Name:
Salwico NS-AIN1 - Interface Line Unit, NS-AIN2 - Input Line Unit, NS-AIO21- Control Line Unit, NS-SCI - Short Circuit Isolator
Product Description
Product Description

Following ancillary equipment for analogue adressable fire alarm unit
Type designation Description:
NS-AIN1 Interface line unit
NS-AIN2 Input line unit
NS-AIO21 Control line unit
NS-SCI Short-circuit isolator

Product Ratings
Product Ratings

Not Available / To be Updated

Product Standards
Applicable Standards

Not Available / To be Updated

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