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SAL R1a Easy Tank, Hull Penetrations

Product Category Icon
Product Category:
Electric Cables and Accessories

<p>Shipboard Electric Cables and Accessories</p> /url1

Product type  Icon
Product Type:
Hull Penetrations

Product name
Product Name:
SAL R1a Easy Tank
Product Description
Product Description

SAL R1a Easy Tank is a SDME with the transducer integrated in a flange top that seals the hull
The hull penetration mechanics consists of two main parts: the flange (SAL R1a Easy Tank Flange) to be
welded into the hull, and the flange top with the integrated transducer (SAL R1 TRU Easy Tank). The
flange top is bolted to the flange creating a seal towards the sea.
The mounted Easy Tank hull penetration is a closed ended installation having sufficient watertight
integrity and resistance to damage in itself, and as such no additional precautions has to be made
considering the water tightness.

Product Ratings
Product Ratings

Transducer: Acoustic frequency ~ 4 MHz | Maximum installation Depth/draft: 40.0 m | Maximum bottom plate thickness where the hull penetration is fitted: 38.5 mm

Product Standards
Applicable Standards

EN 60945:2002-08 in.cor.1.

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