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Cerberus PRO FC72x-Zx / Sinteso FC20xx-Axx, Fire Alarm Central Unit

Product Category Icon
Product Category:
Fire Detection and Alarm System

Product type  Icon
Product Type:
Fire Alarm Central Unit

Product name
Product Name:
Cerberus PRO FC72x-Zx / Sinteso FC20xx-Axx
Product Description
Product Description

Cerberus® PRO FC72x-Zx is a addressable fire alarm central unit
Hardware Components:
· Control and Indicating Equipment:
o FC722ZA
o FC722ZE
o FC724ZA
o FC724ZE
o FT724 Fire Terminal with FN2001-A1 SafeDlink Network Module
o FT2001-A1 Mimic Display Driver
· Power Supply:
o SV-24V-150W with battery 2 x 26Ah, 12V
· Modules:
o FCM7211-Y3 Add on with 48 LED
o N2001-A1 SafeDlink Network Module
o FCA2002-A1 RS485 Module
o FCA2001-A1 RS232 Module
o FCI2001-A1 Loop Extension Module;
o FCA2005-A1 External Sounder Driver
o FHA2035-A1(S54400-S111-A1) Marine Kit FCM7213-Y3 operating Add-on 2xLED
Software Version 50.21
The FC72x is a compact fire control panel with an integrated operating unit that can process signals from addressable FD720 devices. Up to 32 fire control panels und fire control terminals can be connected in a single cluster or up to 16 stations when the cluster is connected to a danger management system. The FT724 fire terminal is an operating panel remote from the central control panel.

Product Ratings
Product Ratings

Not Available / To be Updated

Product Standards
Applicable Standards

Not Available / To be Updated

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