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Carbon Woven (160-900 g/m) with or without chopped strand ma…

Product Category Icon
Product Category:
Miscellaneous Non-metallic Materials

Product type  Icon
Product Type:
Carbon Fibre Products

Product name
Product Name:
Carbon Woven (160-900 g/m) with or without chopped strand mats (50-1500 g/m)
Product Description
Product Description

METYX® Carbon Fibre Reinforcements.
Carbon Woven (160-900 g/m²) with or without CSM (50-1500 g/m²)
- 2x2 twill woven
C Carbon
W Woven
CSM Chopped Strand Mat

Product Ratings
Product Ratings

Not Available / To be Updated

Product Standards
Applicable Standards

Not Available / To be Updated

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