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C 20 (AC C20 & AC 600, K-Chief 500, K-Chief 600, BWU and BWM…

Product Category Icon
Product Category:
Instrumentation and Automation

Product type  Icon
Product Type:
Acc, Electronic Ship Automation Equipment

Product name
Product Name:
C 20 (AC C20 & AC 600, K-Chief 500, K-Chief 600, BWU and BWMS-C20)
Product Description
Product Description

AC C20 & AC 600 (propulsion control system), K-Thrust 600, K-Steering 600, K-Chief 500 and K-Chief 600 (alarm, monitoring and control system inclusive generator power management system) for AMS, ACC, ACCU and ABCU Classed Vessels and BWMS-C20 ( Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System ) for NIBS and NBLES Classed Vessels. , It includes L2C (LAN to 2 CAN gateway), PB4 (Push Button 4), TMI (Torque Motor Interface), RFU MKII (Rudder feedback unit) and PB4, a push button panel including four switches with back-light and four LEDs. It is intended for use in K-Thrust 600, K-Steering 600 and AutoChief. , The purpose of the Common Thruster levers are both individual and common control of the thruster/propulsion/rudder units. , There are four main types of levers e.g. Azimuth, Single, Dual and Mini Wheel that each can be delivered with- or without integrated display. All levers have a main controller and a backup controller. , Additionally, they are equipped with electric shaft motors, buzzer, emergency stop and backup activation buttons., , Additional information with detailed list of assemblies and sub-assemblies is provided on an additional information sheet.

Product Ratings
Product Ratings

Supply voltage: 18 -32 V DC from a 230 VAC UPS; Operational temperature: -15 to +70 C degrees. | Maximum relative humidity: 96% non-condensing; Ambient storage temperature: -25 to +70 C degrees in a dry area with approx. 70% humidity; DPU Degree of protection: IP 20 or IP 54 with extra encapsulation. | DPUs are qualified for non-resilient mounting on machinery. | | Pushbutton 4 (PB4): Supply voltage: 18-24 VDC, Power consumption: 1W, Operating temperature: -15C to 70C degrees., IP56 (Front) | | L2C (LAN to 2 CAN gateway): Supply voltage:18 - 32 VDC, Power: 2.4 W Max, Operating temperature: -15C to + 70C degrees., Ingress protection: IP22. | | TMI (Torque Motor Interface): Supply voltage: 18-24 VDC, Power: Nom 10W, Max 40W, Operating temperature: -15 to + 70 C degrees Max, Ingress protection: IP20. | | RFU MKII (Rudder feedback unit): Supply voltage: 4 24VDC, Signal outputs: 4x 4-20mA, 4x on-off , Temperature range: -15C to +70 C degrees. Ingress protection: IP55.

Product Standards
Applicable Standards

IACS UR E10 Rev 5:2006,
IACS UR E22 Rev 2:2016 (CAT II and III)

BWMS-C20 Unit:
IEC 60945 Ed 4:2002
SOLAS Reg. V/17
IMO MSC 128(75)
IACS UI SC 194:Sep 2005

Pushbutton 4 (PB4), L2C (LAN to 2 CAN gateway), Torque Motor Interface (TMI) and RFU MKII (Rudder feedback unit):
IACS E10: Rev. 6, Oct 2014,
IEC 60945 Ed 4:2002 corrigendum 1, 2008,
IEC 60533 Ed 3:2015

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